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Haunted Farm in Belgium?
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Joined: 18 Jan 2008
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Location: Belgium

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:22 pm    Post subject: Haunted Farm in Belgium? Reply with quote

I've first posted this wrongly in the UFO section Rolling Eyes
So I think I'ts in the right place now!

This is something wich happened to me, way back in 1986.
First let me tell you, I’m a down to earth type of guy, I’m not religious and like most people I only believe what I see!

Part 1.

In ’86 my Ex-girlfriend & I where living in an old farm (buil in 1902)in the country-side of Belgium (Eke-Nazareth, to be specific). It was a nice place, with a huge garden & a garage wich was standing a few yards away from the main building (this is importent for the later events), whe also had a dog & a cat (also important!) It started almost immediattely as whe moved in, although whe dindn’t think much of it in the beginning. These were ordinary things, like one day whe couldn’t find our car-keys, wicht hen showed up in the basement… wich was an odd place to leave your car-keys!
Then some of our groceries went missing…, my girlfriends (she was a nurse) uniform went missing…. And whe always found our thing back, but in the most unusual places(the nurse-uniform, whe found back way up in an Apple-tree!? So whe started suspecting onanother and when something went missing again, we’d look at each other and said, yeah, funny, really funny!
One day, it was a lovely summer-evening, whe just had our dinner in the garden, the dog lay at our feet & the cat was sleeping on my girlfriends lap…. Than suddenly, without reason, the dog lept up, barking like mad and ran to the barn, wich lay just beside the main building, the big wooden doors of the barn where closed and the dog kept barking at the doors, at that moment the cat flew up in the air, hissing, hairs raised….and she took off… running like made into the fields wich lay just beside our property. Our dog now jumped up the doors of the barn growling like we’ve never saw him do so before, suddely, he made a terrible howl, turned around and took off as well…. Mind you this dog was a “Dobberman “ At this point whe tought there was somebody in the barn, but whe hadn’t heard any sound from within!, I wasn’t to keen to enter the barn without my dog… but eventually I did, armed with an empty bottle of wine…. To find … nothing, everything was OK!
The dog came back that same evening….. The cat stayed away for three days!
A few weeks later whe had some friends over for dinner…when suddenly, my friends wife looked up from the dinner table, saying there was someone standing outside at the window looking into our house, whe all looked up & saw a figure standing near the window! Whe all saw this very clearly, though it was more like a shadow-shape, there was no telling if this was a man or a woman, oddly though the one thing whe all rememered clearly were the eyes! Not glowing red or something like that, but like a pale white! My friend and me run out of the house, only to find nothing!

Part 2

In the weeks that followed some minor things occured, but still whe didn’t think anything supernatural was going on!
Then one day I came back from work and when I drove up to the house I saw my girlfriend running out of the house towards me, she was trembling and crying, and she said that something had attacked her in the basement! After calming her down, she said she went into the basement to fetch a bottle of wine for evening dinner, when she heard a strange sound coming from behind some boxes , Kathy wasn’t easily scared of anything and no she was not afraid of mise and other little critters! But when she advanced near the boxes, something lept up and grabbed her, she couldn’t explain what it was, but she stated it was something black and hairy and it was larger than our dog!
I thought it must have been a rat… So I went in the house, took my Winchester (Yes by that time I bought one, cause after the incident in the barn & the figure whe saw, I really thought burglers & thieves were at the base of the incidents!) and went into the basement, after looking carefully through each corner I dind’t find anything!
But Kathy had Marks on her stomach, like scratching from a cat… So when all calmed down whe thought it had to be a rat!
Octobre came and things started to get worse!
As I mentioned before Kathy was working as a nurse, doing mostly the night-shift.
One evening when she was out to work , I sat in the couch watching television, our cat lay beside me, the fire place was burning, at 11.30h the cat suddenly lept up and ran to the door, she started crawling at the door and when a openend it, she fled away like there was something chasing her!
Strangely enough, I thought nothing of it at thais point, altough whe had witnessed something like this before, I called out for my dog, as I thought he was still in the house, but he didn’t show up, so I thought he was already outside (he slept near the garage)
So I shut down the TV and went to bed!
I woke up hearing a sound in the kitchen… like someone was putting cups on the table, thinking it would be Kathy, home from work setting up breakfast for me, but when I looked at my bedside-clock I noticed it was 01.15h! (nighttime) Suddenly the sounds grew louder and now it was as if somenone was trowing with the cups, pots & pan’s… I lept out of bed now fully awake and ran to the kitchen… The sound kept growing louder now, I found the kitchen door closed, so I went back to the bedroom to grab my gun, as now I thought for real there were burglers in my house… I opened the door and instantly the sounds seased! Nothing lay on the Floor, nothing was broken! At this point I got really confused… should I call the police? Whatfore, there wasn’t anything fort hem to see!

Part 3

I went around the whole house, looked outside the house only to discover that my dog was nowhere in sight! By now I got really disturbed at the things wich were happening… but everything looked quit now and as I felt really tired, I got back to my bed (I did put my gun in sight of me!) I fell asleep again, but now I was wokened by a noise again, I can only describe it as heavy mail voices, like a choir and it became louder and louder (as I write this down, chivers are creeping on my back again) and then hell broke loose! The sound was becoming so loud, I had to put my hands on my ears…. And then the bed began to shake, at First a slow movement but it grew stronger as to a point that it was thumping in a way I almost fell from it! at this point I jumped of the bed, and ran to the door, Now I was really frightend! I even forgot the gun I ran to the door only to grab an overcoat and my car-keys and fled outside the house I ran to my garage, behind the door of the garage hung a flashlight, I took it and when I switched it on it started to grow warm in my hand as to a point were I had to drop it, as it was burning my hand! I let go of fit and go tinto my car, I started up the car, put it in reverse, drove out of the garage…and it stopped! I could not get it started again! At this time I heard the sound again…. And I felt a presence, mind you I did not see anything but it felt like any moment now something was to show up! I got out of the car and went for my motorbike, it din’t start ….. but I took it and pussed it off our drive-way, I ran several meters down the road wit hit, when suddenly I saw the ignition light go on! (the key’s were in it) I tried to start it, and like nothing had happened, by the First turn the motor was running! Igot on my bike & drove like hell to my mothers place, she lived not to far away from us! I woke her up and told the whole story! My mother could see there was something going on here, as she saw the state I was in…. But I could see she didn’t believe all of it!

I stayed over for the rest of the night at my mothers
And returned the next day, in time to be there when Kathy came home… now in the day-light everything wich had happened, looked so absurd! My car stood in the middle of the drive-way, the flashlight lay beside it. When I tried to start my car, it started right away!
The door of the house stood open and there in the doorway, my dog was sitting! Wiggling, happy to see me, but not coming to me! It was only when I got closer that he sudenlly came to me!
The cat stayed away for exactely three days again!

Things got calmer after this experience, but it wasn’t over yet!

Part 4

It was mid-november now & the events whe witnissed, looked like a bad dream now… .
From december 1986 till august 1987 it seemed all calmed down & nothing strange happened, whe got on with our lives & talked little of what had happened, one strange thing occured, when summer came, whe noticed that there was a part in our garden, near the barn were nothin’ could grow, no grass, flowers nor anything else, at this time, we’ve met someone who worked with a pendulum, the man came over and after investigating the house & the piece of the garden were nothing grow , he stated that there was a strong Earth-beam crossing our house end it ended right there, were nothing could grow! The man said there wasn’t anything super-natural about these earth-beams, they excist and sometimes they cause minor problems to your health (like sleeping problems etc…) Also he had heard of these beams sometimes caused the effect of the non-growing vegitation, but he had never seen this uptill now! My girlfriend emmidiatelly felt like these Earth-beams were indeed the cause of what had happened to us! I wasn’t to sure about that!
But things stayed peacefull.
Then in august I discovered something in the barn… you should know I’m a musician and whe rehearsed (with my band) in the barn…it was a big place, perfect for us to rehearse in, there was a great fireplace in the middle, so in winter whe could put some logs in it and mostly after rehearsel whe sat round it with a drink, chatting the night away! There lay an old carpet on the Floor (a big one) just in front of the fireplace. That year I decided to remove the carpet and buy a new one to cover the whole Floor of the barn, mostly to improve the acoustic. It wasn’t easy to remove the old carpet, like it was glued to the floor with heavy tapes. It was something the former residents of the house did. Once the carpet removed, to my amazement there was this huge pentagram on the Floor!
Not with chalk, but really encarved into the Stone-floor, could this be a source of the problems whe had? I took some pictures of it, but later on I covered it with the new carpet.
At this point I really wanted to get in tough with the former occupants of the house… I succeeded in finding the woman who lived there before us and went for a visit…. She was a very ordinary looking woman approximmatly 40 years old. She invited me in for coffee and I talked to her ‘bout the things wich had happened and of course the pentagram I found in the barn!
She stayed very friendly and told me her ex-husband was really intrested in the occult, but she said she never experienced anything strange in the house, nor did she knew anything about the pentagram in the barn! When I left her I felt she didn’t tell me everything, but at least I suspected that there had been experiments of the occult in our house!
Still nothing was happening anymore, and the memory of it was slowly fading!
Untill septembre 1987

Part 5

Septembre 2 we’ve just returned from a hoilday in Spain and whe sat in the garden (it was a lovely warm evening) enjoying a glass of wine, when suddenly there was this drastic change of atmosfere, Kathy & me whe both senced it, I cannot describe ho wit just felt, but it was a feeling like something really horrible is going to happen, and it did happen…. Suddenly our cat looked in a direction, like whe all know cat’s do sometimes, her hair raised, she hissed and off she was again, same thing with the dog, but now he was barking like mad at our front door, wich stood open, because of the nice weather! After a while he calmed down, but he was acting rather strangely… like a dog who’s really afraid!
That night, whe both were awakened by a sound on the attic, whe slept underneath it, it was like little critters crawling around and a constant tikking! Each time I stood up, it stopped, only to begin again after a few minutes, this went on till 04.00h.
Then in 2 weeks time 4 terrible things happened, these you could explain, cause terrible things do happen, but they started the next day and it happened within 2 weeks time!
I won’t go in detail, but this is what happened
Our garage burnt down
Whe got into an terrible car-crash (our car was Total-loss, we’ve both ended in hospital, luckely only for one day!)
The dog was killed by a car (whe saw it happen)
The cat was run-over by a car (but in a very strange way!)

At this point whe had a new (male)singer in the band, one evening whe were the last to remain from rehearsel, and so we’ve started talking ‘bout the strange events wich had happened!
He was really excited and said he was very intrested in the supernatural, but had never witnessed anything, he also told me he was almost certain, that with the pentagram wich was found, he tought their would have been satanists at work, and maybe all the things happening in the house would be the cause of something they did release and was still somehow present in the house!
He also mentioned that the months septembre, octobre & novembre were strong ly influensed by supernatural powers and these should be the months were ghosts & demons & other unearthly things can get in contact with the human World more easilly, he mentioned hallow’s eve 31-01 oct & shortly after that, there’s Walpurgisnight 02-03 nov. ( I ‘ve later discoverd that in other countries, walpurgis-night is situated in april/may)

Part 6

After a while whe agreed that he would spend a week in our house, starting on Halloween-evening 31 oct. (mind you in 1987 Halloween was not celibrated in anyway here in Belgium! It only started recently when whe took over the american way of celebrating Halloween)

On hallow’s eve nothing happened, whe spend the evening , having a nice dinner & watching television , at day-time whe got to work, the evenings whe spend together, whe simply had some good times whe weren’t even talkin gabout ghostly things.
Then came Walpurgis-night, as my friend had stated the night from 02-03 nov. Yes maybe that evening whe really expected something to happen…. But no, there was a terrible storm, with heavy rain falling from the sky, thunder & lightning, it seemed a perfect night for ghosts & ghouls, but they stayed away!
Next day whe had a few laughs about the whole thing and my friend said this was because he was present, he really wanted to experience something, but no, not such luck for him!

Then came the evening of 03 nov. At 18.00h I drove my girlfriend to work for her night-shift in our new car , when I returned my friend Claude had made us some dinner. After dinner whe made ourselves comfortable in the living room, I lit the fireplace, whe took our guitars and whe started rehearsing some new songs. Suddenly at 23.45h Claude turned to me and said he had seen someone passing outside the window, heading towards the front door! I stood up openend the door only to see nobody. Whe looked at each other and we began to laugh, we picked up our guitars, but before whe could start playing, whe both heard some noise coming from the kitchen… I knew this sound… this is how it started before, the sound of someone who is busy with pots & pan’s, whe stared at each other without saying a word… as the sound grew louder, whe felt a strange presence, like you know there’s someone there in the room with you, but can’t see him/her. At this moment two things happened at the same time… whe heard tapping at the windows, and…. The fire in the fire-place went out! Now the sound in the kitchen grew even louder and like before it was like they were smashing the kitchen to pieces, whe both jumped up and our eyes were drawn to the kitchen door, wich was closed, but whe clearly saw the handle move… at this time whe were certain that when that door would open, whe would witness something horrible… without even on word between us whe both fled to the front door…. Wich was impossible to open! Then whe saw that the kitchen door was opening! I took Claude by the arm and whe fled to the bedroom, were I openend the window, at this time the male-like/choir voices started again, but it seemed more loudly and in a sence more Evil-like than the First time!

Whe jumped ou of the window (luckely the bedroom was on the main Floor) and ran to my car, but my keys were still in the house! Claude took out his car-keys and whe jumped in his car, only to find out it wouldn’t start (sounds familiar!)
Whe took of on foot & started running down the road, never looking back, but whe both got the feeling something was after us! It wasn’t untill whe’ve reached the main road that whe paused and whe felt that there was no longer something present! Whe didn’t speak but started a 2 hour walk to Claude’s house, were whe talked things over.

Part 7 & last part for now

As you should have guessed, when returning the next day everything was ok again, the car started, the door could be opened instantly! The kitchen looked fine, nothing broken, no mess on the Floor!

Shortly after these events whe found another place to live… although my girlfriend Kathy wasn’t there on both major-events, she said she couldn’t live there anymore!
So whe moved into the city! And strangely whe hardly mentioned the things that had happened anymore, whe stayed togheter for another five years and then whe broke up!

I’ve never had experiences of the supernatural anymore.

Even so I’ve only spoken to a few people about these events, when I think about them now, it’s like a bad dream I’ve had!
What really happened? Uptill now I don’t know for sure, Claude is still a friend of mine and occasiolly whe bring it up again… whe’re still both convinced that had whe stayed in the house that night whe would have seen or witnessed something terrible and luckelly whe got out in time.

Had this something to do with the pentagram, was there a power released in the house?

Whe didn’t do drugs, nore were whe under the influence of alcohol at the time of the events!

Fact is, these things happened! These things were witnessed by 4 other people besides myself!

Feel free to comment on this, mind you I’m still sceptical about ghosts/demons & I’m still not religious (some people whom I told this story, said this was the reason, why whe were attacked by demons (they called it an attack by Demons)because the non-believers (in God) are the most favorite and unprotected victims for Demons!


Five years ago whe were invited for dinner at the house of one of my girlfriends co-workers, she told me they’d just bought a wonderfull farm-house in the country-side & were rebuilding the place to fit their needs…. As incredible as it seems… this was the ‘farm’ my girlfriend knew the story, but I never mentioned the adres, so whe went for the dinner appointment, it was very strange for me to go into the house again, it had completely changed, the barn was now turned into a beatifull large living-room, after dinner (I didn’t mention anything about the events) while sitting at this wonderfull large fireplace, stories began to unfold, the couple living in the house now said they liked the place very much, but there were some funny things happening now and then… noises on the attic… things missing and one time, while watching television late at night, they thought they saw someone standing outside the window looking in… the thing about it that startled them most were the eyes wich they remembered clearly, they were white! I couldn’t do anything els then to tell them the whole story… wich the husband laughed away, saying there were no such things as ghost!
Whe lost contact, but a year later whe heard that the place burned completely down! The couple broke up, al contact was lost with the husband, but my girlfriend has some contact now & then with the wife, but she won’t talk anymore bout the house!

Last thing I know is there's a new house standing on the land
and I hope for the new occupants everything goes well!

END (I hope!)
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Joined: 17 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shocked wow what an amazing and terrifying story, it sounds like some thing terrable happened in that farm house and maybe history replaying it at the time it happened, i forgot what you call it now,

YB you know what i mean, when some thing bad has happened in a property and it re-plays over and over

sounds very scary, and you say you still dont believe in the paranormal if that dont make you a believer i think nothing will
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

WOW,the only yhing i can say is LUCKY YOU GOT OUT.

that wld make a great film,lol,its hard to say what actually happened there,or most importantly why?

some aspects sound familiar,like the abstence in activity now and then,i believe that this can be the result of spirit loosing their energy.

a spirit more so in a haunting situation has to gain energy in order to manifest,and cause havoc etc,once they do this,they lay dormant for some time taking in more energy in order to manifest again and so the cycle continues.

the pentagram i cant say was responsible,maybe the spirit/s were allready present and a previous owner may have thought it may help in some way.who knows..but it does show a connection to spiritualism.

thankyou so much for sharing this with us
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Joined: 18 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm still wondering up till now.... what would have happened, if whe'd stayed in the house?! Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

maybe it would of repeated every time, but i guess thats one thing you will never know...shame
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


But the strange thing was that the second event wasn't entirely the same as the first one! For starters the second one started earlier in the evening, the date I'm not sure of, cause I only started to writing things down in my diarie after the first event occured, and I'm not that strong in remembering dates!
(the second event I remember the dates uptill now, cause I wrote em down!)
So I'm not too sure that the event was something wich occured over & over, like a fragment in time repeating itself!
The shape we saw... was nothing like the pictures or descriptions whe mostly see or are told about of what ghost or spirits may look like!
And what puzzles me most uptill now, are the engines of the cars (and the motor-bike not starting! I'm thinking this really has to do with some kind of unknown energy, but strangely, the lights in the house never went out?!
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 4:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Scary story... No doubt the demons were summoned by someone... The only thing I know of that could rid them is the spirit of Christ being invited into the place then destroy the pentagram..

Be very interesting to hear if the new property owners are having any problems.. Wonder what happened to the pentagram when those new owners took over, the ones whom you visited since he didn't believe in ghosts..
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

do lives on the property now or heard if they have experienced anything paranormal
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Be very interesting to hear if the new property owners are having any problems.. Wonder what happened to the pentagram when those new owners took over, the ones whom you visited since he didn't believe in ghosts..[/quote]

They took the floor out... so the pentagram was removed with it!
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

[quote="YB"]Scary story... No doubt the demons were summoned by someone... The only thing I know of that could rid them is the spirit of Christ being invited into the place then destroy the pentagram..

I left a few things out ...(told you it was a long story!)
As I stated before I'm not religious, but my former girlfriend came out of a very catholic nest!
Both her parents worked in a catholic school (Don Bosco) wich was attached to a convent!
After the first event, Kathy told her parents, and they talked to the priest who was their boss.
The priest (his name was Penders) came to our house...
and performed some religious cleaning of it!
I didn't witness this, 'cause I was staying in France (for my work) at that time! After he did, the priest said the house was clean now... and nothing would ever occur again! Well whe all saw that he was wrong!
He also never gave an explanation...

If indeed the manifestations were caused by Demons, they surely weren't afraid by the power of Christ !
(no offence to the believers)
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Joined: 18 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

flossy wrote:
do lives on the property now or heard if they have experienced anything paranormal

I don't have any contact with the occupants of the new house wich is standing on the ground of the old farm, but maybe one day I'll get in tough with them....
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

if the pentagram was removed im curios if the demons went with it
when the priest cleaned the house did the activity remain the same or did it change in any way
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Joined: 18 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

flossy wrote:
if the pentagram was removed im curios if the demons went with it

when the priest cleaned the house did the activity remain the same or did it change in any way

Well whe can't tell for sure, the only thing whe know is that the house burned down completely.... but the woman who lived there, won't talk about it

the priest doings didn't change a thing, since the"cleaning" happened between the 2 main events I've witnessed! And as you could read the second "main event" felt more Evil than the first one!

PS. I call the main events the ones were
1. I fled the house
2. My friend & I fled the house
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

He probably did not have the proper priesthood authority to perform it correctly. I don't want to say more because I do not want to start a "religion doctrine war".

Just glad you got out. I once aided in expelling a demon from a home once. It was not as "violent" as the one you had but it worked..

Just glad you got out of it ok..
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Joined: 18 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

YB wrote:

Just glad you got out. I once aided in expelling a demon from a home once. It was not as "violent" as the one you had but it worked..

Just glad you got out of it ok..

So... you mean like... in your opinion it were Demons?
Are you by any change a religious person?
Since you aided once in expelling a Demon.... can you tell me some more about this... and... if these Demons/Demon wich were present in my house...if they were summoned by someone using the pentagram I found, could you give me an explanation why these things happened? What could be their goal by treathning people who live in the house?
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